Sacred Dragon Ceremony

Channeled by: Margaret of Pearl

The Pearl Portal is a sacred container created to share divine channeled messages, teachings & healing transmissions from the
Higher Realms. Sacred Dragon Ceremony is for those seeking self-mastery with guidance of Sacred Dragon Tribes & Masters of Light.

Imagine sitting in meditation connecting with your angels & spirit guides. This however, is no any ordinary day. You begin to sense a presence you aren't familiar with. Suddenly, the energy in the room shifts. Every particle of your being shifts. You hear a gentle whisper and feel a soft breath grace your ear. You receive a message directly from the Higher Realms.

ļ»æThe voice says, "We are the Council of 9 Sacred Dragon Tribes." You see through your psychic vision there are many dragons, angelic beings, and ascended masters.

Then whispers, "The 144,000 are here." The light begins to brighten illuminating now your vision as far as your 3rd eye can see. You realize you are surrounded by support of the Higher Realms in all directions.

You are then handed multiple dragon scrolls and told, "This is your Dragon Directive."

Council 9 Sacred Dragon Tribes & Masters of Light

Obsidian Dragon TribeĀ Ā 
Amethyst Dragon Tribe & Lady Amethyst
Christos Dragons & Jesus
Sophia Dragons & Mary MagdaleneĀ 
Timeline Keepers Dragon TribeĀ 
Archangel Michael & Seraphims
Goddess Kuan Yin & Mother DragonsĀ Ā 
Celestial Dragons of AndromedaĀ 
Inner Earth Dragons & Goddess Pele

It was throughout this initiation that I received messages and divine guidance for the creation of this course. As a divine channeler, it is my duty to use my innate gifts as well as access to these keys of light transmissions for the highest good of all.
My mission with the
Sacred Dragon Ceremony is to offer these ceremonies to those Souls who resonate with the frequency of:

Truth, Freedom, Love & Unity Consciousness

Due to the nature of this sacred container, the energy healing and ceremonies have no boundaries as it supersedes space, time and distance. The entirety of this course is pre-recorded in video format. Curriculum is presented in sequence in which the channeled light transmissions were received as guided by the Council of 9 Sacred Dragon Tribes. This course is self-paced. In this way, initiates may practice and upon their discretion. Access to these teachings is life long as the Pearl Portal exists. Time, energy, devotion and the purity of one's intentions will determine their dragon directive. This is not a race nor is this intended for spiritual entertainment. The elders, our Ancestors, Inner Earth, Mother Gaia, the Celestial & Higher Realms are here to assist our Ascension. It is already happening.Ā 

How will you participate in uplifting humanity?

During the last part of downloading for these teachings, I was sitting on a cliff by the ocean at sunset. Again I felt the energy shift, this time the Earth beneath me was rumbling. I witnessed the Dragons of Inner Earth using the leylines as passage to fly into our plane of existence and fly above me in the sky. There were so many, I couldn't count them all. The final message,
"You alone cannot ride all the dragons. Call all the Dragon Riders. We await."

A message from my Higher Self to yours, "And through the Holy Spirit may you be guided, strengthened, provided and blessed."

Dragon Directive

Are you curious of your connection to dragons? Do you want to strengthen your psychic abilities and unlock your inner wisdom? Is it time for your self-initiation & commitment to walking this spiritual path? The sacred dragons offer through direct
experience for those who seek deeper embodiment of Higher Self & Christ Consciousness. These
masters of light will assist you in shadow work and heart expansion.

Live Ceremony

This is your invitation to join me live for Sacred Dragon Ceremony quarterly via Zoom 1 hr/$30. This is a closed ceremony exclusive for initiates of this course to ensure a sacred & safe space. We will receive live channeled messages & healing transmissions from the Council of 9 Sacred Dragon Tribes & Masters of Light. This is an opportunity to connect with fellow dragons in the community to anchor in light across the crystalline grid!

Exclusive Offer

Offering 1:1 Sacred Dragon Tribe distance healing sessions 1 hr/ $88 (original price $144) via Zoom. This is an exclusive price for students enrolled in this course to work more intimately with your own dragon guides and receive personalized channeling light transmissions.

Enroll in this Course

Meet Margaret...

Margaret is a name of ancient Sanskrit, Greek & Persian origin meaning ā€œchild of lightā€ ā€œPEARLā€ ā€œthe path of spiritual awakeningā€ā€¦ The Pearl is also symbolic for the Soul Star chakra which is the gateway of the Higher Self.

My spiritual practice is based on the power of prayer, heart-centered living, sovereignty, spiritual growth & soul connections. It is an honor to rise in sacred service sharing divinely guided healing frequencies as a channeler of light to uplift humanity.

As a Priestess my offerings include: Higher Self Connection, Soul Retrieval, Inner Child Healing, Light Code Activations, Dragon Frequency, Lemurian Practices, Vibrational Medicine and more!

All Sacred Services
Book 1:1 Sessions with Margaret of Pearl